Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Oil Deluge: no end in sight

Not until the oil pool in The Gulf Of Mexico runs dry of its own accord will it end. Why has this catastrophe occurred? It is a man-made disaster of truly epic proportions and its consequences will exist forever. Dead oceans are not an unrealistic outcome as well as destruction of species from the microscopic to the gargantuan. What happens then? Yes, shrimp and fish industries are likely to be eradicated for now. Who would even want to eat sea creatures that ingested Corexit, the dispersant, oil, and that also inhaled gas gushing from the well? Yes, the public will be reassured that all is well, but the well's effluents are not healthful, never will be, and in time, both present and in the future, the results will be apparent. Count millenia, not days, months or years. It is the ecology of our beautiful planet that is being degraded, destroyed and to what end? Money and more, power.

We cannot control volcanoes, we cannot control earthquakes, we cannot control gigantic tidal waves or tsunamis, but oil drilling is an invention of humankind. It can be stopped. Why not shift to alternate energy sources? That can be done, except energy corporations consider the short term and consumers are taught to desire the very thing or things that depend on oil consumption, such as gasoline for mammoth vehicles.

Every mother in my little town must pick up their child from school in a vehicle large enough to carry all the children that filled Old Mother Hubbard's shoe: "There was an old woman who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children . . ."

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