Friday, September 25, 2009

A Cherry Tree, its final fruit. Tenafly, N. J. killed by pollution.

Tenafly has a major pollution problem, and it is in the drinking water. The Cherry Tree is "a canary in the mine." It is dying, as are all the bushes and trees along the feeder stream exiting the Tenafly Commons Pond and feeding into the Tenakill Brook. That brook carries the water to The reservoirs from which we get our hosuehold water. The water the flora is ingesting is the water we get from our tap water. All the pretty plants around the pond do not clean the water. E coli is still a problem. Only instead of geese, egrets and all the rest of the avian world carries it too, depositing it in the water and on the land. And other animals?
As for the chemicals, Rutgers, that kindly installed the plants and advised Tenafly on how to chase geese from the area never tested the water for chemicals. They dare not. And the people who periodically tested the water during the summer of 2009, the people who actually entered the water, wore hip high rubber boots. No wonder. And when asked about walking in the water without protective gear, I was advised that it would not be safe.
It is evident in the pictures why this is the case.

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