Never did I think that the American people would elect an African-American to hold the office of president of The United States of America. Congratulations to my people for overcoming the burden of history at this historical moment. How ironic it is that a man whom many considered to be inferior to a "white" person has now been called upon to reverse and repair the damages inflicted on the body politic by a "white" man of impeccable ancestry.
Race is a social construct, not one based on science, yet still there are the true believers who are certain that color and physiognomy are externalizations of inner faculties and capacities. Stephen Jay Gould's brilliant The Mismeasure of Man demonstrated the falsity of these notions, as have so many other scientists. Yet, the culture of racism, which is not peculiar to the United States, flourishes worldwide. I will not be alive when these erroneous ideas are transcended and when at last all humankind is recognized as equal, despite differences of sex/gender," color," religious affiliations or non affiliations, and groupings national or social.
Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is the man who shoulders an immense burden, a New Hercules, whose task even surpasses those imposed on the mythic hero. With all my heart I wish that he may he overcome and lead us to a future that offers equal opportunity to all. And devotes resources equally for all, be the person poor, middling, wealthy, female, male, elderly, middle-aged, young, or an infant. A universal healthcare system is needed to achieve this end. Without it, the citizenry of this country cannot have the well-being it deserves.
History is made by individuals but the constraints of particular historical moments shape the actions that the person can take. Do not hope for miracles--which are phantasies in any case, but recognize that we have a leader now who is working for the common good; he understands what can be achieved and will develop strategies for their realization. May the country unite to solve its problems and accept its amazing president and his wisely chosen vice president, Mr. Joseph Biden.
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