Saturday, December 19, 2009

Pre-existing Condition

Life itself is a pre-exisiting condition.

Consider your genetic inheritance. you are born with pre-exisiting conditions, benign and malignant. Shame on insurance companies and shame on our "enlightened government," the supine Obama presidency. Health care. good health care, is a right all citizens should have; insurance companies should not exist, since health is not their concern; rather it is profit. The CEOs, why not profile their homes in Hosue and Gardens? Ill-gotten gains.

But death will claim even the wealthiest CEO. The brevity of life was graphically depicted in western-European art, not surprisingly. All succumbed to diseases whose origin was not understood. Today science, medical science, demonstrates convincingly how diseases are contracted, how environmental factors, especially substances carried in air and water, such as arsenic, cause cancers and other deadly diseases.The health bill being considered in Congress disallows women from obtaining abortions, a right guaranteed by law. Shame on the Obama administration. A spokesperson who is literate, brilliant, persuaive is no better than his illiterate ignorant predecessor, Bush 2. What a trick!

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